History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera


30626556History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera
Series: Standalone
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Childrens Books
First published January 17th, 2017
Genres: Contemporary, YA, LGBT
Pages: 294
Format: Paperback
Buy: Book Depository | Amazon

You’re still alive in alternate universes, Theo, but I live in the real world where this morning you’re having an open casket funeral. I know you’re out there, listening. And you should know I’m really pissed because you swore you would never die and yet here we are. It hurts even more because this isn’t the first promise you’ve broken.

OCD-afflicted seventeen-year-old, Griffin, has just lost his first love – his best friend, ex-boyfriend and the boy he believed to be his ultimate life partner – in a drowning accident. In a desperate attempt to hold onto every last piece of the past, a broken Griffin forges a friendship with Theo’s new college boyfriend, Jackson. And Griffin will stop at nothing to learn every detail of Theo’s new college life, and ultimate death. But as the grieving pair grows closer, readers will question Griffin’s own version of the truth – both in terms of what he’s willing to hide, and what true love ultimately means…

Captura de ecrã 2017-06-30, às 18.09.21

I am so sad I didn’t get into this book… Everyone seems to love it and I do like some things, but in general, it felt meh to me.

Starting with what I liked about this book, I really enjoyed the writing. I thought it went well with the story. I really enjoyed the humor and how honest and real it felt. And the other thing I liked is the message. I think it was told in a really interesting and unique way, especially in the end. I am certainly a fan of that part of the book.

But overall, the book felt boring. To be honest I don’t even know how I ended it. I am not really into DNFing books but this one was testing me… The idea is really interesting and the beginning is lovely, but then it bored me out. Plus the ending was really predictable… I still liked it, it wasn’t the main problem I had with it, but I was still hoping that it would surprise me somehow. So the ending was not that big of a deal if not for the message, that I thought was really important.

I didn’t care for the protagonist or the plot. I liked Griffin, and how nerdy and cute he was, but I didn’t connect at all, and to be honest I wasn’t really that thrilled to see what was going to happen at the end. The characters were nice, I liked to read about them, but I didn’t feel them for some reason if you know what I mean. Maybe this is just not a book for me, but I am a bit disappointed since everyone seems to rave about it.

As I said, I did like the writing of the book, so I do intend to try two other books from the author. I own More Happy Than Not so I will obviously try that and I really liked the synopsis of They Both Die at the End so I will be picking that one up in September. I would still recommend this book because of the message contained in it and hope you have better luck with it.

Captura de ecrã 2017-06-30, às 18.18.22

   Captura de ecrã 2017-05-20, às 11.15.59.pngCaptura de ecrã 2017-05-20, às 11.15.59.pngCaptura de ecrã 2017-05-20, às 11.47.38

Which book didn’t you like and everyone seems to love?

Also, have you read this book? What did you think of it? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

5 thoughts on “History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera

  1. I actually searched “history is all you left me” in my reader to see if I’m the ONLY one who is currently not liking this book. I AM SO GLAD I FOUND YOUR POST!! I’m currently reading this book and I’m so so close to DNF-ing but I can’t! Because I HAVVVEEE to read this after seeing the internet going so crazy about it!
    I just feel you need like a 100% concentration to really get into the feels of this book.


  2. […] History is All You Left Me – I so didn’t like this book. I just couldn’t get into it at all! It felt so boring to me and I was expecting to love it since everyone raves about it… And yeah that didn’t happen. Since then, I’ve been avoiding the author’s books, although I do own one more, so I guess eventually I will have to give it a try. Fingers crossed! […]


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