Manga Classic: Jane Eyre (ARC Review)

Captura de ecrã 2017-06-30, às 18.44.22

Jane Eyre adapted by Stacy King

Series: Manga Classics

Publisher: Udon Entertainment

Published November 15th, 2016

Genres: Manga, Classics

Pages: 319

Format: ARC

Buy: Book Depository | Amazon

* Received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you very much! This doesn’t affect the review in any way. My opinions are, as always, my own.*

As an orphaned child, Jane Eyre is first cruelly abused by her aunt, then cast out and sent to a charity school. Though she meets with further abuse, she receives an education, and eventually takes a job as a governess at the estate of Edward Rochester. Jane and Rochester begin to bond, but his dark moods trouble her. When Jane uncovers the terrible secret Rochester has been hiding, she flees and finds temporary refuge at the home of St. John Rivers.

Captura de ecrã 2017-06-30, às 18.09.21I really loved this book. This is for sure one of my favorite manga classics! Not only because it’s also one of my favorite stories, but also because it was really well portrayed in manga format!

This is the story of Jane Eyre. She was an orphan and she lived with her aunt and cousins, who treated her poorly. Her aunt, wanting to get rid of her, sent her to Lowood Institution. That was the charitable boarding school for orphaned girls where she grew up well-educated and well-mannered. Afterwards, she started working as a governess where she fell in love with her master – Edward Rochester, who is a very peculiar character.

If you haven’t read the original classic yet, I would totally recommend it. It’s beautiful, tense and emotional, and I love it with all my heart. But even if you haven’t read the classic, I would definitely recommend the manga! This manga is really well constructed, it talks about every important bit in the novel and the art is truly beautiful!

I loved this so much that I even bought the manga to re-read it whenever I want. The plot is really accurate, and the emotions in the characters were realistic and engaging. Some of the manga classics have some emotions portrayed a bit eccentrically but I think this one is on point!

The art is really beautiful and detailed and I especially loved the design of Jane. I think she was adorable and I loved following her story. I love all the emotions this books causes on me and all the tension it has. It really is a great story and it’s lovely to read in a manga.

I think that manga classics are an amazing idea. Either to get to know some classic that you haven’t read yet, or to re-live your favorite one – they really are worth it. But this one is my favorite so far so I would definitely recommend it. Especially if you enjoy manga, this is perfect!

Captura de ecrã 2017-06-30, às 18.18.22

Captura de ecrã 2017-05-20, às 11.15.59.pngCaptura de ecrã 2017-05-20, às 11.15.59.pngCaptura de ecrã 2017-05-20, às 11.15.59.pngCaptura de ecrã 2017-05-20, às 11.15.59.pngCaptura de ecrã 2017-05-20, às 11.15.59.png

Have you read these yet or any of the original classics? What’s your favorite story? Let’s discuss it in the comments below!

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